Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
More precise definition of the mechanism of a three-phase mixture movement under water and gas influence on the formation in a single well

UDC: 622.276.5
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2022-8(644)-27-29



1 Aloil, Bavly-city, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Keywords: water-gas treatment, carbonate reservoir, water-gas mixture, reagents, submersible pump


The article considers the mechanism of a multiphase mixture movement in the production of a well after the water-gas treatment of a deposit consisting of carbonate reservoirs, using the supply of chemical solution to the intake of downhole pumps. This makes it possible to reduce the energy costs for lifting products and increase the feeding rate of the downhole pump.


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