Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Wellbore inclinometry reliability criteria

UDC: 622.243.27
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-7(655)-52-58



1 Institute of geology and development of fossil fuels, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: inclinometry, borehole trajectory, zenith angles-inclination, azimuth angles, geological section, accelerometers, magnetometers, calibration, gyroscopic measurements


Today, directional drilling contractors operate with a fleet of malfunctioning inclinometers that require unscheduled metrological calibrations. Quality control and correction of wells inclinometry measurements during drilling allows revealing substandard initial measurements and defining their genesis, but does not allow carrying out the universal data analysis, and there exists a requirement for specification of a trajectory of already operating well stock on which there are no initial measurements of inclinometer sensors.

In this regard, the only tool that ensures a well’s trajectory assessment is gyroscopic measurements. However, it is also worth considering the fact that gyroscopic inclinometry everywhere requires full-fledged analysis before making a decision on the final spatial position of the well.


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