Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942


UDC: 3.33.330.3
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-10(202)-17-21



1 LLC "Gazprom Proektirovanie", Moscow, Russia Federation

Keywords: geological exploration, subsoil use, mineral resources, economic model, geological and economic assessments


The paper presents the modern realities of a unified methodology for the economic assessment of geological exploration in subsoil assets use. The need for the study was the fact that the creation of a new methodology for the economic model of geological exploration will facilitate the subsoil users’ assessment of hydrocarbon reserves and resources and government bodies when putting resources and reserves on the balance sheet. The main research problem was formed, which is to develop a methodology for the formation of a new economic model for evaluating geological exploration in subsoil assets use for the rational use of the mineral resource base. In the course of the study, modeling methods, observation method, description method and analysis method were used. The result of the study was a new economic model for evaluating geological exploration in subsoil use. The main conclusions can be characterized by the optimization of the main indicators of the valuation of mineral raw materials. The basic principles for calculating discounted cash flow, discount rate, payback period and internal rate of return were developed.


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