Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942


UDC: 330.04
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-5(197)-14-22



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: problems, factors of sustainable development of oil and gas companies, digital transformation


The success of Russian oil and gas companies in the context of digital transformation is associated with the implementation of the sustainable development principles, reflecting modern global trends aimed at the optimal use of limited resources, preservation of the integrity, stability of biological, physical, natural, social and cultural systems. The environment monitoring automation as one of the goals of digitalization of oil and gas companies is aimed at reducing the amount of waste, emissions of pollutants. Sustainable development of oil and gas companies implies their economic efficiency, environmental safety, social responsibility and ethical behavior, along with a general reduction in anthropogenic impact on the biosphere. The paper reflects the urgent problems of sustainable development of oil and gas companies: implementation of the investment strategy for the development of human capital; development of domestic information and communication digital technologies, development of a system of social guarantees for company personnel; expansion of liquefied natural gas use for energy supply; prevention of negative environmental aftereffects of natural resources development; provision of the rational use of associated petroleum gas; improvement of the legal and regulatory framework in the field of protection of the population, territories, critical and potentially dangerous facilities from natural and man-made emergencies; public accessibility of non-financial reporting of companies. The main factors of sustainable development of oil and gas companies in the context of digital transformation have been identified: social and environmental responsibility; participation in projects that stimulate the reduction of negative impact on the environment; strict compliance with legislative requirements in the field of energy efficiency and the environment; creation of a network of data processing and storage centers based on domestic solutions; optimization of the personnel number, taking into account digitalization and safety measures, environmental monitoring, development of human capital.


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