Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942


UDC: 551.341+551.588
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-5(197)-42-47



1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: permafrost, permafrost thawing, arctic zone, permafrost monitoring system, fuel and energy complex


In recent decades, the world has faced a large-scale problem of global warming which not only includes climatic and biological changes in ecosystems but also entails the soil layer degradation of the Earth's crust, which together lead to technological accidents. The thawing of permafrost in the Arctic zone causes more than 50 % of violations of the natural temperature state of soils. An estimated 24 % of the territory of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is permafrost, which should arouse increased interest from the point of view of the requirements for human economic activities. Currently, the main threat when implementing industrial projects in the Arctic zone is the degradation of permafrost, which may lead to industrial accidents and spills of chemically hazardous substances into the environment. Prevention of permafrost degradation is possible in the presence of a permanent observation network at various levels - the implementation of a permafrost monitoring system. The ecological interest when implementing the permafrost monitoring system lies in the preservation of dozens of populations of animals and microorganisms, and the economic benefit lies in the maintenance of industrial enterprises in a working condition. The paper is aimed at reviewing the existing and prospective methods for permafrost monitoring, as well as proposing solutions for the implementation of such a system in the Russian industry. Keywords: permafrost, permafrost thawing, arctic zone, permafrost monitoring system, fuel and energy complex


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