Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942


UDC: 332.135
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-6(198)-58-68



1 Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russian Federation

Keywords: oil and gas complex, economic analysis, modeling, regional economy, production fixed assets, interregional integration


The paper presents an economic analysis of the structure and dynamics of fixed assets of the regions of the Volga Federal District, in which the oil and gas complex is a budget-forming one. The object of the study was chosen due to the fact that in the conditions of the world quotations volatility for fuel resources caused by the pandemic crisis and traditional factors, the economic systems of oil and gas regions are the most vulnerable ones. This is confirmed by the simultaneous presence of some of them in the lists of Russian regions with the largest budget deficit in 2020 and the largest regional growth in public debt. The dynamics and structure of the fixed assets value, commissioning and their deterioration are one of the main criteria for assessing the industrial development of the region, and in the regions with a highly developed oil and gas complex, a large number of fixed assets, along with manufacturing industries, continue to extract minerals. Based on modeling a set of methods of pair regression, simplex optimization and cluster analysis, an assumption was made about the feasibility of developing interregional financial and industrial groups as integral structures of oil and gas complexes in a number of regions in order to implement investment projects and programs for their innovative production development.


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