Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942


UDC: 338.45
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-8(200)-26-31



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: industrial standard, technological development, industrialization, digitalization, production, product operational life cycle, development of fuel and energy technologies


The subject of the research is the industrial standards of the fuel and energy complex, their transformation in conditions of industrialization and the emergence of new approaches to planning production processes, new requirements for the technological chain of organizing production, as well as new competencies based on the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept, namely: - to justify the need to change the requirements for the technological scheme of production and equipment of the fuel and energy complex based on the concept "Industry 4.0."; - to amend the relevant industry standards; - to list the factors contributing to the technical development of the fuel and energy complex; - to assess the problems and prospects for a large-scale fourth industrialization; - to change professional standards due to the emergence of a need for completely new competencies. It is necessary to step by step, carefully analyze the current system of industrial standards containing requirements for the organization of technological and production processes in the fuel and energy complex and to develop a program for its transformation, taking into account the rapidly developing industrialization and digitalization of production processes. As a result of the assessment, changes both in the production chain and in the actual technological requirements for equipment and the quality of the product should be introduced. This problem is quite seriously facing the fuel and energy complex, since the products of the fuel and energy complex are one of the most consumed in the world, they also have a complex production chain, including unsafe ones. The fuel and energy complex is one of the most capital-intensive industries, concentrating strategically important equipment, which is responsible for energy supply, gas supply and oil products supply throughout the country. At present, the approach to the organization of production and technological processes of production is being completely changed, the requirements for technological processes are being implemented within the framework of production systems based on the concept of "Industry 4.0". Digital technologies are becoming the basis of a new technological order of "Industry 4.0", which is based on mathematical (software) modeling of external objects and processes of their functioning. "Digital copies” (Digital Twins) of physical objects, equipment, factories are being created, the physical and software parts of the object are tightly integrated and are "inseparable" in the digital economy. It is necessary to direct the development of all industries, primarily the fuel and energy complex - as one of the most demanded ones, to accelerated innovative and technological development based on the concept of "Industry 4.0". New trends are accompanied by the necessity of industry standards transformation in the fuel and energy complex associated with the increased requirements, digitalization, automation and the introduction of new management formats and organization of production processes. The formation of mechanisms for coordinating the interaction of university centers, industrial parks, and industry centers of the applied science, necessary to increase the level of employees’ competences and change professional standards, is urgent. It is also required to launch the process of reindustrialization of the Russian industry on the basis of the revival of the domestic machine building industry, the production of high-performance machines and equipment for the modernization of the fuel and energy complex.


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