Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Project activity as an instrument of interaction between industrial and educational organizations and a mechanism of staff competencies development

UDC: 338.45:662
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2022-10(214)-46-53



1 Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia
2 Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar, Krasnodar, Russia

Keywords: design work, competence approach, management and personal-business competencies, educational standards, scientific personal training, system of scientific personal training, research site, adaptation, organization of design groups


The article describes the design work joint experience of Educational and Production Center under the Administration of "Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar" LLC and the Department of Industry-based and Design Management of Kuban State Technological University in view of the main directions implementation of the Interaction Concept of PJSC "Gazprom", its subsidiaries and organizations with higher educational organizations and the Concept of development of PJSC "Gazprom" corporate system of scientific personal training. The main problems of design work organization in subsidiaries and organizations of PJSC "Gazprom" at the present stage of Gazprom enterprises development group are analyzed. The prospects for the design work development in the context of the educational process dynamics, its role and significance at the present stage of the education system development are considered. Attention is focused on the scientific platform potential possibilities as a promising mechanism for the implementation of the design work objectives and goals. The issue of analyzing the compliance of corporate competencies of PJSC "Gazprom" with the educational standards competencies is touched upon. Special attention is paid to students’ competencies, a mechanism for updating competencies and their further improvement in conditions of the Russian educational standards dynamics is proposed.


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