Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Ways of improving the energy saving and energy efficiency management system of gas industry enterprises

UDC: 338.24
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-1(217)-45-51



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 Gazprom, St. Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: gas industry enterprises, energy saving, energy efficiency, energy management, energy saving management


The article deals with the issues of managing energy saving and increasing the energy efficiency of gas industry enterprises. The role of energy saving and energy efficiency in achieving the goals of sustainable development of gas industry enterprises is considered. Particular attention is paid to the introduction of the energy management system at domestic enterprises. The main problems of implementation of energy management systems are shown. The features of the functioning of the energy saving management system in Gazprom PJSC are reflected. An example of the implementation of the energy management system of a gas industry enterprise is presented.


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