Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Digital innovations in the personnel management system and their impact on the FEC competitiveness increase

UDC: 331.101.68
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-4(220)-39-44



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
3 Kh.I. Ibragimov Integrated Research Institute, RAS, Grozny, Russia
4 Academician M.D. Millionshchikov Grozny State Oil University, Grozny, Russia

Keywords: innovations, competitiveness, oil and gas industry, digital solutions


The article is devoted to the study of the information transformations process, focuses on the importance of personnel in an organization digital development. The active introduction of digital tools into the personnel policy of oil and gas companies restricts not only business processes, methods and methods of work, but also changes the tactics and strategy of working with personnel, predetermining the emergence of a new digital concept of personnel management. The article defines the role of using information-digital technologies in the personnel management system, reveals the concepts of "digital transformations" and "digital susceptibility of personnel", substantiates the need to develop a strategy for digital transformation of the personnel management system, formulates the principles and main directions for implementing the robotization strategy in the business environment, actively used in various fields of activity, including the oil and gas industry today. The article considers the relationship of innovative technologies and information instruments with the modern management process. Currently, every organization requires implementation of digitalization at all stages of its activities, primarily due to the need to quickly adapt to constantly changing external factors. Business models optimization by using this process provides an opportunity to improve the working efficiency, regardless of its type and application a sphere.


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