Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Economic risk management of production and processing of multicomponent oil and gas raw materials

UDC: 658.5+336.226.46
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-9(225)-27-31



1 Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Keywords: oil and gas industry, multicomponent raw materials, management, tax, investment, group of problems, group of risks, deposit


The article studies topical issues of analysis and effective management of national, sectoral and regional development of oil and gas industry, taking into account the peculiarities of fields’ development and the composition of raw materials, the possibility of forming the Caspian regional oil and gas cluster. The purpose of the study is to develop scientifically grounded methodological provisions for managing the effective development of oil and gas industry enterprises; To achieve the above mentioned purpose, a specific task has been set and implemented: to identify and consider economic and management problems and risks of developing oil and gas deposits with complex raw materials. Scientific novelty lies in theoretical provisions improvement and applied recommendations development related to the analysis and management of effective development and specifically investment activities of oil and gas industry enterprises and their structural subdivisions, taking into account industry specifics with a specific element: risk groups with management recommendations based on the developed systematization are proposed economic and managerial problems of developing deposits with multi-component raw materials as well as organizational and economic measures to solve systematized aspects and effective development of deposits in general, thus ensuring the universalization of development and functioning management. It is recommended The use of the state comprehensive investment incentives in the oil and gas industry in combination with state support for innovation, including the above-mentioned objects, as the simultaneous use of all possible support mechanisms in the formation of conditions when it is possible to apply state stimulation only with effective functioning and development of an enterprise.


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