Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Risk management of oil and gas business supply: issues of assessment and analysis

UDC: 005.22:[33:622.323/.324]
DOI: -



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: risk assessment, supply, damage assessment, probability, stability of business processes, oil and gas industry


A variety of supply risks, environmental volatility and new political challenges threaten the stability of oil and gas companies. These problems, coupled with declining profitability, are forcing businesses to look for new approaches to operational efficiency management. Supply risk management is an element of the company’s overall operational management and risk management system, but it should take into account the specifics of this area. The article is devoted to the issues of assessing and ranking supply risks according to the degree of their significance for a company stable operation. The approach to a comprehensive assessment of damage, including the assessment of material, labor, financial and other types of losses in value terms, is discussed in detail; approaches to the assessment of non-financial indicators of damage are analyzed. The author of the article describes an approach to assessing the likelihood of supply risks as well as analyzing information sources, maintaining statistics and accounting. The introduction of accounting and analysis of supply risks into the company's practice will allow developing a system of preventive control of potential dangers, reducing supply costs and increasing the stability of the production process.


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