Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Geological and economic aspects of geological-exploration strategies development

UDC: 338.242.2
DOI: -



1 Meretoyakhaneftegaz, Tyumen, Russia

Keywords: geological exploration, strategy, strategic planning, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon production, geological modeling, clusters, portfolios, geological-economic assessment


The current state of the oil and gas industry in Russia is characterized by a reduction of the resource base of hydrocarbon (HC) traditional sources and the necessity to maintain current levels of hydrocarbon production in order to achieve strategic indicators of companies. This circumstance causes the necessity of developing plans for the development of the existing assets resource base, involving geological objects non-covered by drilling in the production process and acquiring new geological-exploration assets in the regions, covered by the companies’ interest zone. All these facts, in turn, serve the basis for exploration strategies development. The development and consistent implementation of these strategies allows companies to provide 100% coverage of the existing assets and gives a greater competitive advantage in the hydrocarbon market. Strategic planning of geological-exploration activities, carried out on the basis of a comprehensive geological-economic analysis of the current state and the degree of development of the existing assets resource base, planned levels of HC production, risks accompanying the process of assets development, makes it possible to form a balanced approach to replenishing the resource base, maintaining and increasing production in the medium and long-term prospects and, thus, contributing to the achievement of strategic guidelines of the company as a whole.


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