Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Scenarios of global oil and gas industry development: a view from Russia

UDC: 339.1
DOI: -



1 Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of Russia, Moscow, Russia
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
3 Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: energy transition, energy development scenarios, sustainable development, power generation, natural gas, renewable energy sources


A new report prepared by the Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, presents possible directions of the global energy transition deployment. Having considered three possible scenarios, the authors of the article make a choice for the scenario that assumes the maximum possible decarbonization of the energy system while maintaining reasonable limits on the amount of financing required for the restructuring of the global fuel and energy complex. This scenario, called "Rational Technological Choice", has, in the authors' opinion, the best chances for realization. The inertial scenario ("Everything as it used to be") is recognized as undesirable from the point of view of its impact on climate change. And the scenario of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 ("Net Zero") is assessed as unrealistic due to the excessive amount of funding required.


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