Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 532.546
DOI: -


Kadet Valery V.1,
Korjuzlov Andrey S.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University Oil & Gas

Keywords: porous medium, electrolyte flow in porous medium, percolation theory, double electrical layer, electrical viscosity effect


The percolation model for electrokinetic flow of electrolyte in porous media is presented. Within the bounds of this model taking into account ionic the solution concentration, zeta-potential, porometric curve and surface properties of porous media the influence of temperature on effective wiscosity was investigated. It is determined that in the presence of sufficient amount of capillaries with radius comparable with the thickness of EDL, the rate of filtration greatly decreases as against the velocity of filtration without influence of EDL, that is interpreted as electro-viscous effect in porous media. The influence of temperature on effective viscosity depends on porometric curve shape: effective viscosity for fine-pore media is more sensitive to temperature change. The dependence of effective viscosity obtained within differs from classic Andrade law.


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