UDC: 539.196.3:544.147:544.773:547.74
DOI: -
Borshch Vadim Nicolaevich1,
Kolesnikov Ivan Mikhailovich2,
Grishina Irina Nicolaevna2,
Lyubimenko Valentina Aleksandrovna2
1 Institute structural macrokinetics problems of material science of the Russian Academy of Science (Chernogolovka)2 Gubkin Russian State University Oil Gas
Keywords: dispersive additives, mechanism of action, benzene, associates, solvate complexes, non-empirical quantum chemical calculations, energies of intermolecular interactions
The mechanism of action of dispersive additives for fuels on the basis of suсcinimid may be explained from the point of view of formation of associates and solvate complexes with molecules of hydrocarbons. By non-empirical quantum chemical methods the energies of intermolecular interaction of molecules of benzene and molecules of benzene and suсcinimid are calculated.
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