UDC: 66.023:541.128
DOI: -
Stytsenko Valentin Dmitrievich
1 Gubkin Russian State University Oil Gas
Keywords: new class of catalysts, bimetallic catalysts for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, surface nanolayer, hydrocracking and hydrorefining processes, advantages, selectivity, stability to poisons
A new concept for preparing catalysts with predetermined properties has been considered. The concept is based upon recording information concerning further catalytic process on the surface nanolayer. The surface nanolayer conversion is found to be governed by its reactivity (r) and diffusivity (j) at the stages of preparation and pretreatment of catalysts. The requirements to the nature of element and its compound (ELn) to obtain good modifying effects for catalysts are specified. The tests of bimetallic catalysts prepared (Ni-Sn, Ni-Cr, Pd-Cr, Pd-Cr-Si) have demonstrated their advantages as compared with known catalysts for various hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes, especially in terms of improved selectivity and stability to poisons. The ligand effect for SMB is discussed and good prospects for this new class of catalysts are predicted.
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