
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 621.382
DOI: -


Chapkevich Alexandr Alexandrovich1,
Belyankin Ruslan Vladimirivich2,
Vinokurov Vladimir Arnoldovich1

1 Gubkin Russian State University Oil Gas
2 Company «Gazmashproekt»

Keywords: кинетика оксиэтилирования, спирты, метанол, структурные переходы


The objective of this research is to increase sensitivity and selectivity in environment control gas detection and investigation of deposits of hydrocarbonic minerals development by use of adsorption-desorption flicker-noise spectroscopy (FNS) for high-ohmic semiconductor gas sensors, and by enhanced adsorption in the gas-sensing surface of the gas sensor. Methods The proposed solution presupposes measurement of the sensing surface electrical characteristics (simultaneously or successively) when the measurement chamber is being filled with the gas under analysis with temperature of the sensor and pressure of the chamber changing, and when the sensor is exposed to pulsating monochrome light. The exposure to temperature or pressure changes or radiation must be significantly lower than the time of measurement. Spectrum deviations from 1/f expression in each discrete measurement interval (0.2 Hz) within the range of 0.1 to 10 Hz are proposed to be used as low-frequency flicker noise spectrum identifiers, on the presumption that the cause of these deviations are electrical effects induced by adsorption in the gas sensor surface. These deviations are described by expression 1/fγ (where γ < 1). The contents analysis is carried out by comparing the gas-sensing surface flicker noise spectra under adsorption with the gas-sensing surface flicker noise spectra when the sensor is free from any influence. The identifiers will be values of the derivatives of the flicker noise functions in the interval between break frequencies of flicker noise. The gas content is defined through the array of these values.


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