
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 621.6
DOI: -


Kalinin Alexander F.1,
Kichatov Vitalyi V.2,
Toropov Andrey U.3

1 Gubkin Russian State University Oil Gas
2 OAO «Giprogazoochistka» project
3 OOO «Gazprom transgz Ugorsk»

Keywords: gas compressor units, optimization criterion, operation mode optimization gas compressor units


N.I. Belokon solves the tasks of estimating the efficiency of gas turbine plants operation as the main energy drive for gas-pumping units. This is important today for the development of the gas transportation system. The article proposes an integral criterion for estimating the compression efficiency of compressor stations and methods for determining the optimal regimes for gas-pumping units and compression systems with the aim of reducing energy costs of natural gas mains.


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