UDC: 553.98(479.24)
DOI: -
Kerimov Vagif Yu.1,
Rachinskyi Mihail Z.1,
Gavrina Anastasia G.1,
Kolushkina Oksana V.1
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: south caspian, south caspian oil and gas bearing basin, north apsheron uplift zone, baku archipelago, shelf, field, geological prospecting
The results of geological prospecting for oil and gas in the South Caspian Basin are considered. The reasons of the failures in 1995-2005 are identified. Among these were strategic geological errors made by consortiums and project operators who did not take into account the laws of spatial distribution of regional, zonal and local oil and gas occurrence, the experience and the results of the previous geological prospecting. The geological concept of increasing the efficiency of prospect and exploration drilling, based on the quantitative dependence of the density of initial geological reserves in local structures on the set of their tectonic and structural, lithofacies, hydrogeodynamic, baric as well as geotemperature parameters is suggested. The obligatory association of oil and gas accumulation zones with drainage areas of subregional hydrodynamic systems interfacing large lineaments is shown
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