Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 532.546
DOI: -


Dmitriev Nikolai M.1,
Dmitriev Mikhail N.1,
Muradov Alexander A.1

1 Proccedings of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

Keywords: nonlinear laws of a filtration, unsteady filtrational currents, an elastic mode, a filtration of gas, the equation of an elastic mode and a gas filtration at the binomial law of a filtration


New interpretation of the binomial formula of Forhgejmera and its representation resolved concerning a vector of speed of a filtration is given. Using representation of the formula of Forhgejmera concerning speed of a filtration, the invariant vector equations of an unsteady filtrational current of perfect gas and an elastic liquid in the elastic porous media under the binomial law of a filtration in the isotropic media are received. Earlier special cases of representation of the formula of Forhgejmera of the filtration resolved concerning speed for one-dimensional problems were considered only at planeradial and plane-parallel filtration.


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