UDC: 551.7.022 (571.1)
DOI: -
Skrynnikova Anna V.
Shubin Alexsei V.
Fomin Alexander E.
Bars Fania M.
Ryzhkov Valery I.
1 Proccedings of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: west siberian OGP, middle jurassic OGK, interpretation of seismic data, spectral decomposition, attribute analysis, simultaneous inversion, sedimentation modeling
The authors analyzed the current problems of studying the structure of the Middle Jurassic deposits of West Siberian OGP. A set of methods is considered for predicting facies of the Middle Jurassic deposits using 3D seismic to further develop a conceptual model of sediment accumulation. On the example of one of the fields in the south of Western Siberia the effectiveness of the proposed set of methods is demonstrated.
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