UDC: 65.050
DOI: -
Chernyi Yuri I.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: international petroleum industry, main indicators, 1995-2009, complexity of deve-lopment, factors, processes, stability
It is noted that the period of 1995-2009 was quite difficult in the development of world oil production, caused by strengthening crisis in the oil extraction, growing globalization and environmental pressures, the need to take into consideration energy saving and increase of energy efficiency of resources. The main factors influencing the change in use of the most efficient manufacturing processes are: the growth of the depth of oil refining, reducing the sulfur content of core petroleum products, increasing the share of high-quality gasolines in the total amount of production. These data allow defining the role and place of the basic oil processing processes in the reported period, based on the need to overcome the problems identified.
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