Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 553.98.001
DOI: -


Salavatov Tulparhan S.,
Maмеdzade Rafael B.,
Mamedov Aziz Veli oglu

Keywords: development, hydrocarbon deposits, field, «well-reservoir» dynamics, emergence, self-organization, decision making, management


The paper offers new principles of approach to the development of oil fields, considered as a complex dynamic system, the analysis, diagnosis, prognosis and management of which are based on a multidisciplinary approach of the theory of large systems. The the principle of «composition and decomposition is crucial here». In accordance with the principle of the integrity of the process of development of the field can be described using the models of macro and micro levels. The necessity of taking into account the interaction of the effects of low temperature and pressure, as well as of various gas-hydrodynamic phenomena occurring in the reservoir sys-tem, which result in the development of synergistic effects is shown. Combining the appro-aches of synergetics and the theory of fractals allows to solve the pressing problems of esta-blishing the relationship between micro- and macro-characteristics of the development processes. It is proposed to consider an oil reservoir as an open dissipative system, capable of self-organization. A self-organizing reservoir in many cases is able to adjust to a rational mode at relatively low material and energy costs.


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