
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 621.74
DOI: -


Kukui D.M.1,
Rudnitsky F.I.1,
Nikolaichik Y.A.1

1 Belarusian National Technical University

Keywords: manufacturing of castings of pump assembly, surface quality, nonstick coating, high temperature strength, kyanite-sillimanite nano structured boehmite, mullite


The technology for making castings for pump assembly with high surface quality is considered. It is shown that it is possible to manufacture castings of the pump assembly without surface defects using nonstick coatings based on aluminosilicates modified with nanostructured modifier (boehmite). The effect of nano modifiers on the high temperature strength of nonstick coatings is studied. The optimal content of boehmite is shown to increase the strength of nonstick coatings in the temperature range 1000 - 1500 °С due to the formation of a new phase in the coating, i.e. mullite.


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