Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 665.62
DOI: -


Lukiyanov Viktor A.1,
Popov Vitally V.1,
Khoutorianski Friedel M.2

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
2 National Research Institute for Oil Refining

Keywords: Extra-Heavy Crude Oil, Field and Refinery Oil Treatment


Extra-Heavy Crude Oils are interesting for oilmen due the great reserves of this oil type despite deficit of worldwide energy sources. But processing of this type of mineral sources both up-stream and down-stream associated with innovation techniques and the newest apparatus. This work concern to the problems of heavy oil's treatment by means of electric dehy-drators. Particularly implantation into this apparatus dual-polarity electrodes (DPD) should improve the demulsification process which is complicate for heavy crudes by small delta density and small dimension of dispersed droplets. Tests of dehydratation Yarega and Arlan heavy crudes on the models of traditional and DPD dehydrators were carry out to determinate a degree of process intensification. As a result were obtained an equalations that bound the outlet concentration of water in oil with specific load of different apparatus-type and different temperatures. The Viscosity in work conditions of dehydratations was used as a base for coefficient calculation in 3 rd degree polynomical equalations. This equalations are the core of new method of electric dehydrators choosing for heavy oils treatment. The applicability of this method was approved by the modernization of refinery and field oil-treatment units in Timano-Pechorskiy oil region.


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