UDC: 665.63
DOI: -
Strelkova Valentina K.
Tyumenev Vladimir A.
Glagoleva Olga F.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: disperse systems, heavy oil residues, method of delayed coking, photoelectric colorimetry, surface area, particle size of dispersed phase
The results of the study of dispersion of various petroleum residues as raw material of the coking process, one of the important processes, increasing refining efficiency are presented. The specific surface area and average particle sizes of the dispersed phase in the tar samples of West Siberian oil are determined. Samples of possible components of coking feedstock (namely heavy gas oil of catalytic cracking; residual extract and deasphalizate of lube unit, and pyrolysis resin). The effect of the above products added to the tar on the change of the specific surface and particle size of the dispersed phase was studied. It is shown that the addition of even a small amount (10 %) of DAO, pyrolysis resin and heavy oil of catalytic cracking to the coking feedstock (tar) almost doubles the surface area of the dispersed particles and is a way to reduce the size of the dispersed phase, i.e. of dispersing the oil disperse system and to increase its kinetic stability.
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