UDC: 534.26; 542.34
DOI: -
Esipov Igor B.
Zozulya Oleg M.
Mironov Michael A.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas2 Schlumberger technology Co3 N.N. Andreyev Acoustics institute
Keywords: complex media, viscoelasticity, slow kinetics, nonlinearity parameter
We have previously identified slow evolution of the viscoelasticity modules of heavy crude oil. Shear modulus was measured during 72 hours at frequencies of 0,5, 5 and 50 Hz at different temperatures. The dependence of complex shear modulus on the deformation amplitude was studied with a rotational rheometer. The study showed a logarithmic growth of the nonlinearity parameter in time for this sample of oil. It was established experimentally that the complex shear modulus depends linearly on the amplitude of the shear perturbations, which is possible with the shear modulus linearly depending on the shear modulus of the medium deformation. Based on the Boltzmann statistical approach to the determination of the rate of transition to equilibrium, the model differential equation describing the slow kinetics of the changes in the internal parameters of the medium was obtained. It is shown that unlike the exponential time dependence, the slow kinetics leads to logarithmic time dependence of the perturbation decay.
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