UDC: 532.546
DOI: -
Kuz'michev Alexei N.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: anisotropy, tensors of absolute permeability and translucency, tensor of characteristic linear dimensions, density of pore distribution along radii, effective diameter, capillary curves
A laboratory technique for determining core-derived absolute permeability tensor for different types of anisotropy is presented. The method for determining core-derived lateral anisotropy and further, permeability tensors is based on measuring the rate of ultrasonic waves passing through the sample on the lateral surface of the core. Using this method, we first established the presence of lateral anisotropy and then, in accordance with established type of anisotropy of the rock sample we cut out the required number of cores for hydrodynamic and other studies. The results of determining the absolute permeability tensor, translucent characteristics, linear dimensions, as well as the results capillarimetrics are presented. These data confirm the tensor nature of absolute permeability, effective diameter and translucent characteristics. The method also allows to determine the permeability tensor of phase permeabilities, limiting gradients and to construct nonlinear filtration laws.
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