
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 532.546
DOI: -


Mikhailov D.N.1,
Ryzhikov N.I.2,
Shako V.V.1

1 Schlumberger Moscow Research
2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Keywords: porous medium, transport of hard particles, mud


Changing the properties of the near-wellbore formation zone under the influence of penetrating mud components or other process fluids have a significant impact on the subsequent ope-ration of the well, formation testers data and geophysical instruments. Laboratory filtration experiments with mud can only measure the integral hydraulic resistance of the core sample, which is insufficient for understanding the mechanism of the formation damage. This work is aimed at developing methods to obtain additional data on the process of core contamination with mud components. The paper presents methods for constructing profiles of captured components in porous media using X-ray microcomputed tomography, analyzing pictures of broken core and acoustic profiling of contaminated samples of porous medium. A method for estimating the concentration of the polymer in a liquid filtered through the sample by measuring its rheological properties is proposed. The components capture in the porous medium are evaluated using analytical solutions for the profile of the captured components coefficients.


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