UDC: 622.276.6
DOI: -
Marfin Evgeny A.
Abdrashitov Alexei A.
Belyaev Evgeny V.
1 Federal Research Center «Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences», Box 261, Kazan, 420111
2 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, The Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation3 Kazan State Power Engineering University, The Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation
Keywords: filtration, porous medium, oil, viscosity, elastic waves, wave action, oscillator, frequency, amplitude of oscilla-tion, filter factor
The action of elastic waves on the fluid flow in porous media is studied. It is shown that the impact of elastic fluctuations on the saturated porous medium will increase the filtration coefficient. Increased filtration coefficient under wave action can increase the rate of flow of fluid in porous media and the effectiveness of the method of production. Based on the analysis of data from dif- ferent studies an experimental setup was developed to implement various options of overlaying fields of elastic waves. Some results confirming the hypothesis of the mechanism of action of elastic waves on the filtration process were obtained.
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