UDC: 622.276
DOI: -
Kadet Valery V.
Chagirov Pavel S.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: clay reservoir, flow in porous medium, osmotic swelling, percolation simulation
The analysis of osmotic swelling on the border between the injected agent and clay-containing rock allowed obtaining the dependence of the reservoir properties on the clay content and mineralization rate of injected water. The dependences obtained show that with the decrease in salinity of the injected agent the pore space structure changes, i.e. the share of «fine» pores grows thus by reducing the share of «larg» ones, the variance of the pore radius distribution function as well as porosity decrease. On the basis of micromechanical description of the process of fluid flow in a lattice model of the porous medium analytical dependences of relative permeability curves as a function of salt concentration in the injected fluid were obtained. The process of two-phase flow of Newtonian fluids, one of which is a solution of electrolyte, in clay-containing porous medium was simulated. The influence of the parameters of the porous medium and injected saline fluid on the process of oil displacement was studied.
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