Scientific and technical journal
«Proceedings of Gubkin University»
ISSN 2073-9028

UDC: 665.773.3
DOI: -

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: infrared spectrometer with Fourier transform, spectroscopy of near-in-frared (NIR) range, commodity flows, commercial gasoline, gauge model, independent verification of models
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is becoming an effective and popular analytical technique in the petrochemical and refining industries, mainly because of the reliability and convenience for routine use. In this paper we have accumulated and systematized a large amount of spectral data obtained for the raw materials and commodity flows of gasoline blending station using near-infrared spectrometer with Fourier transform (FT-NIR) in ON-LINE mode. A correlation between the spectral data and the quality parameters, namely, octane numbers using research and motor methods, density, content: aromatic hydrocarbons, benzol and olefinic hydrocarbons; fractional composition, saturated vapors pressure. We have constructed and validated calibration models for these parameters and proposed these for use in real-time. The prediction error of the obtained gauge model lies within the reproducibility of the standard methods for each parameter.
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