UDC: 532.552:532.527
DOI: -
Veklich Nikolay A.
Zhermolenko Victor N.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: gathering pipeline, dead leg branch, pressure vibrations, resonance
Operating experience of powerful centrifugal superchargers of compressor stations (CS) testifies that the CS pipelines can vibrate very intensively. One of the sources of vibrations which can reach the emergency level can be the compelled vibrations of a column of gas in the dead legs of the CS pipeline [1, 2]. The advancing wave of compressed gas in the dead leg of the CS pipeline is presented as a linear problem with restrictions imposed on the flow and pressure at the base of the dead leg. Estimated expressions for the force with which gas can affect the dead leg cap (bottom) are received. The conditions of rapid resonant growth of this force in time are defined. The possibility of changing the gas flow under systematic strong pressure drops at the base of the dead leg into periodic vibrations of the compressed gas is considered. The results of the work can be taken into account for fatigue calculations of welded seams in the point of welding of the dead leg to the gathering pipeline.
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