UDC: 665.6
DOI: -
Razuvan Lilia A.1,
Raskin Yury E.
Kilyakova Anastasia Y.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas2 5-th State Research Institute of Chimmotology of Military Service of Russian Federation
Keywords: hydraulic oils, poly-alpha-olefins
To improve the low temperature properties of hydraulic oils, expand their operating temperature range and increase the thermal stability of the oils the possibility of using poly-alpha-olefin as the base of hydraulic oils was investiga-ted. The purpose of this study is to develop the basis of hydraulic oils of MG-15 and MG-B-22-B class on the base of poly-alflpha-olefins. We used the method of determining the dynamic and kinematic viscosity calculation in compliance with the National State Standard-33-2000. The viscosity of the commodity hyd-raulic oils in the temperature range of application was compared with the that of the Russian poly-alpha-olefin PAO-2, PaO-4 and PAO-6. The optimum ratio of PAO 4 and PaO-2 for the base oils of MG-22-B and the ratio of PAO-2, PAO-4 with the addition of PES-7 etil-stannic liquid for the base of MG-15-B oils were determined. The results of these studies support the use of the mixture of poly-alpha-olefins as the base of hydraulic oils of MG-15 and MG-B-22-B classes.
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