
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 665.773.3
DOI: -


Tonkonogov Boris P.1,
Popova Ksenia A.1,
Hurumova Aida F.2

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
2 Federal state unitary enterprise scientific research institute of standardization and unification

Keywords: esters, diesters, alcohols, fatty acids, dioctyl sebacate, thermo-stable dioctyl sebacate thermostable, gas turbine engines


To ensure reliable operation of heat-stressed gas-turbine engines (GTE) high-quality lubricants with good performance properties are required. Russian aviation uses foreign-made lubricants for GTE. There are no competitive analogues in Russia, so it important to study and to develop such lubricants. According to publications the most suitable lubricant compositions meeting the requirements for gas turbine engines operable up to 240 °C are the derivatives of esters (neopentyl polyol esters, mainly of pentaerythritol and/or trimethylol propane and mixtures of individual acids of synthetic C5-C9 combined in a specific ratio). In this regard, the aim of this work is to study synthetic lubricants based on esters derived from polyhydric alcohols (polyols) and synthetic fatty acids (SFA). The analysis of the state-of-art in the production of esters and SFA С5-С9 in Russia is presented in this review. The dependence of the properties on the structure of esters is considered, the technological level of works of receiving esters of polyols and SFA is analyzed. The most perspective esters - pentaerythritol and trimethylol propane from the point of view of the increased thermo-oxidizing stability are chosen. The results of the research expand the knowledge of the dependence of the properties on the structure of esters, the technologies of synthesis of esters of polyols and the importance of the development of the production of esters.


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