
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 517.977.58
DOI: -


Efimov Y.O.1,
Zolotukhin Anatoly B.1,2,3,
Gudmestad Ove T.1,2,
Kornishin Konstantin A.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
2 University of Stavanger
3 Northern Arctic Federal University

Keywords: Barents, Kara, shelf, Arctic, Novaya Zemlya, development, optimization, pipeline route


The paper anticipates a new concept that proposes to use the Novay Zemlya archipelago as a cluster base for development of the whole region of the eastern Barents and western Kara seas. In this case the so called «unitization principle» can be implemented that might improve economics of field development due to less overall investments in common infrastructure. It is proposed to build an LNG plant on the archipelago that will be capable to treat gas from several fields, a pipeline system and a port for LNG takers. The pipeline system should be optimized in order to meet production levels from the fields as well as the capacity of the LNG plant. The paper introduces an approach to the problem of pipeline route optimization which is based on multi criteria principle. The total cost of construction and maintenance of the pipeline along a certain route is determined as a function of several parameters (water depth, presence of ice/icebergs, soil conditions, slope, etc.) and has to be minimized in this model. The problem of the optimum pipeline route is solved with the means of modified algorithms from the graph theory.


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