UDC: 622.691.4
DOI: -
Bessel Valeriy V.1,2,
Kucherov Vladimir G.1,3,
Lopatin Alexey S.1,
Martynov Victor G.1
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas2 «New Tech Services»3 Royal Institute of Technology, Stocholm
Keywords: energy consumption, energy efficiency, hydrocarbon resources, renewables, unconventional hydrocarbon resources
The purpose of the paper is to identify possible scenarios of the energy market development on the basis of reliable technical and statistical data, to evaluate the possibility of using renewables in petroleum industry, to make a survey of current technologies of energy conversion and waste disposal of energy generation. Assessment of economic efficiency of renewables in the context of energy conservation in the national fuel and energy complex is among key lines of research.
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