UDC: 629.01:004.8
DOI: -
Chernyi Sergei G.
1 Kerch State Maritime Technical University
Keywords: adaptive qualities, deep system management, process automation, local strategic objectives, neural networks, optimization
The prospect of development of the industry of oil and gas production to date is a priority on the territory of Russia and Crimea in particular. This raises a number of complex tasks accompanied by negative in terms of automation factors. The aim of the publication is to review and analyze the methods of optimization of fuzzy control on the basis of neuromorphic regulators of direct and inverse dynamics of control based on autoregressive structure for the simulation processes. The methods, mechanisms, tools and models of enhancing the adaptive qualities of complex deepwater structures are considered. It is advisable to take at least the expected deviation from the optimal strategic path of the adaptive system behavior as the optimality criterion of the distribution strategy for the planning periods taking into account the probability of operation of the complex deep-water production system. Proportional-integral-differentiating control via adjustment of the coefficients with fuzzy controller will optimize the dynamic regimes over the load range.
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