UDC: 622.691.24:658.511.2
DOI: -
Sergeev Andrey S.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: underground gas storage, hydrate control, methanol, methanol flow normalization
The given work includes the normalization principle of methanol specific flow worked out with the participation of the author and currently applied in «Gazprom PHG» LLC underground gas storage facilities. The methanol discharge rate on the operating procedure, which was earlier a unified value for the whole production period, is the equation of dependence of methanol specific flow on formation pressure variation. The work draws comparison of two hydrate control approaches applied in underground gas storage facilities. The approaches with primary hydrate prevention and primary deposition destruction have been distinguished. The work tells about developing application software for methanol feed control the outcoming data of which will be the basis for the following methanol flow normalization. The requirements for the given development have been provided.
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