Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 665.7.038.2
DOI: -


Spirkin Vladimir G.1,
Il'in Sergey V.1,
Leontiev Aleksey V.1,
Tatur Igor G.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

Keywords: industrial oil, polymethacrylate additive, thermal stability, heat treatment, ultrasonic treatment.


Industrial oils are the foundation for commercial oils used in industrial machinery, which operating in areas with ambient temperatures -40 °C and lower. Dep-ressants, in particular polymethacrylates, are applied to improve the low tempe-rature properties in lubricating oil. Purpose of this work is to study the possibility of modifying the structure of additives by means of preliminary heat and ultra-sound treatment of polymethacrylates for improvement of their depressant and viscosity properties. Ultrasound treatment was performed at frequency 22 kHz within 10 min, heat-treatment - at a temperature of 80±2 °C within 60 min. Evaluation of the results pretreatment of oil samples with additives after their oxidation was conducted by the method of SRT «Gazprom» 2-2.4-134-2007. Physico-chemical properties of the oils were determined by standard methods. It is shown that additives reduce the pour point of the base oil at 5-7 °C and a kinematic viscosity was increased on average by 10-15 % under optimum processing conditions. Reduction of the additives consumption with pretreatment for increasing the viscosity of the oil and reducing the pour point to the established norms has high practical significance.


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