Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 519.816
DOI: -


Samarin Ilya V.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas

Keywords: algorithm, importance, cluster, matrix, method of pair comparisons, modification, error, dimension, interface, strategic planning, test, factor, expert


The main features of the application of an expert calculation method of pair comparisons to determine the relative importance of factors in problems of strategic planning of high dimension are considered. It is offered to expand the opportunities of the initial method of pair comparisons adapted for operating not more than 10-15 factors. For this purpose it is offered to apply the multicascade settlement scheme, having previously grouped initial factors into clusters. Two ways of implementation of the multicascade scheme are considered. The offered ways of integrating results of private examinations are demonstrated on a model test task. It is shown that the developed methods allow to receive the decision with a mean square mistake about 2 % that corresponds to an error of the most exact econometric mathematical models.


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