
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 532.546.2
DOI: -


Kalinin V.V., Filippov A.N., Hanukayeva D.Y., Ivanov V.I.

Keywords: atomic force microscopy, surface morphology, roughness, porous structure, minerals, polymeric membranes.


Five different examples of the use of scanning probe microscopy to study the morphology of solid rough surfaces were studied. These demonstrated the po-tential of a variety of AFM techniques. All these measurements were carried out on areas of micron-scale of the parts and pieces of research objects, which are geological materials, metal samples and polymer membranes with sizes down to a few nanometers. These results are related to the micro- and nanostructures of the materials studied and allow gathering information about their properties in these scales, thus opening up opportunities for the development of new models and technologies.


1. Khanukaeva D.Yu., Filippov A.N., Bildyukevich A.V. An AFM Study of Ultrafiltration Membranes: Peculiarities of Pore Size Distribution//Petroleum Chemistry. — 2014. — Vol. 54. — No. 7. — P. 498–506.
2. Jesse S., Kalinin S.V. Band excitation in scanning probe microscopy: signs of change//J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. — 2011. — Vol. 44. — P. 464006–464022.
3. Сканирующая зондовая микроскопия микроструктуры минералов/Д.Ю. Ханукаева, С.В. Калинин, А.Н. Филиппов, А.В. Иевлев, А.С. Бузилов//Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии — БелСЗМ XI: Сб. докл. XI Междунар. конф. (Минск, 21- 24 октября 2014 г.). — Минск, 2014. — С. 178-183.
4. Chen C.-Y., Garnica-Rodrigues J.I., Duke M.C., Dalla Costa R.F., Dicks A.L., Diniz da Cos- ta J.D. Nafion/polyanilin/silica composite membranes for direct methanol fuel cell application//J. of Power Sources. — 2007. — Vol. 166. — P. 324-330.
5. Kolechko M.V., Filippov A.N., Shkirskaya S.A., Timofeev S.V., Berezina N.P. Synthesis and Diffusion Permeability of MF-4SK/Polyaniline Composite Membranes with Controlled Thickness of the Modified Layer//Colloid Journal. — 2013. — Vol. 75. — No. 3. — P. 289-296.
6. Калинин В.В., Филиппов А.Н., Ханукаева Д.Ю. Исследование морфологии мембран методами атомно-силовой микроскопии при математическом моделировании диффузионных процессов//Труды РГУ нефти и газа имени И.М. Губкина. — 2012. — № 1 (266). — С. 129-136.
7. Filippov A., Afonin D., Kononenko N., Shkirskaya S. Characterization of Perfluorinated Cation-Exchange Membranes MF-4SC Surface Modified with Halloysite Nanotubes//AIP Conf. Proc. AMiTaNS’15„. — 2015. — Vol. 1684. — P. 030004-1—030004-9.
8. Filippov Anatoly, Khanukaeva Daria, Afonin Denis, Skorikova Galina, Ivanov Evgeny, Vinokurov Vladimir and Lvov Yuri. Diffusive Permeability of Hybrid Cation-Exchange Membranes MF-4SC/Halloysite Nanotubes//Proc. of IEEE, 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) (Rome, Italy, 27-30 July 2015). — 2015. — P. 208–211.
9. Khanukaeva D.Yu., Filippov A.N. Statistical Processing of Ultrafiltration Membrane Pore Size Distribution Determined by Atomic Force Microscopy//Petroleum Chemistry. — 2015. — Vol. 55, No. 10. — P. 909–917.
10. Gwyddion,