UDC: 553.98:543.51:547.912
DOI: -
Giruts Maxim V.
Poshibaeva Alexandra R.
Stokolos Olga A.
Gordadze Guram N.
Keywords: thermal cracking; regular, irregular and pseudo-regular izoprenanes
Thermal cracking of regular and irregular isoprenanes С20-С40 was carried out, followed by the research of the distribution patterns of regular, irregular and pseudoregular isoprenanes C10-C20. It was found that no rupture of terminal methyl, ethyl and isopropyl groups occurs as a result of thermal cracking of phytane, krotsetane, squalane and likopane. The simultaneous rupture of C-C bonds at tertiary carbon atoms in the molecule isoprenanes doesn’t occur either. It was shown that the value of the ratio of genetic pristane/phytane indicator, which is used in the petroleum geochemistry for correlations of oil-oil and oil-extracted organic matter systems should be treated with caution.
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