
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 622.279
DOI: -


Zolotukhin Anatoly B.,
Pyatibratov Petr V.,
Nazarova Larisa N.,
Yazynina Irena V.,
Shelyago Evgeny V.

Keywords: hard to recover reserves, EOR methods, applicability criteria, complicating factors, fuzzy ternary logic, EOR screening


The paper overviews the problems selection of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods with account for reservoir geological and physical conditions. Applicability criteria for thermal, gas and chemical EOR are presented. The set of criteria is based on national and international secondary and tertiary EOR projects results. A ternary logic method is proposed and tested for EOR screening. This method of perspective EOR estimation was tested for the conditions of more than 100 formations of 15 fields located in one of Eurasia regions. It is noted that of the EOR applicability should assessed at early stages of the field development design.


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