UDC: 519.218.4:622.691.4
DOI: -
Rusev Vladimir N.
Skorikov Alexandr V.
1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas
Keywords: reliability indicators, failure rate, failure intensity, renewal equation, distribution of Weibull-Gnedenko, finite element method, moments problem
Reliability indicators of restorable systems and their components, depending on the statistical characteristics estimations based on real operational data, are studied. It is assumed that the objects entire life cycle is described by the law of Weibull-Gnedenko distribution. The research technique of reliability indicators of restorable systems and their components is presented. It takes into account the dependence of these indicators on time and is based both on analytical and discrete methods. The advantages of the considered discrete method include its universality, simplicity of algorithms and calculations. This work is focused on further realization of mathematical models and methods as unique informational and analytical software. The so-called moments problem relevant for the solution of reliability problems has been analyzed. Examples of processing of real statistical data on failures of technologically active elements in gas supply system are considered.
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