Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 553.98
DOI: -


Eremin Nikolai A.1,2,
Zinovkina Tatyana S.2,
Shabalin Nikolai A.2,
Akran Ali Salem1

1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas
2 Oil and gas research institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Keywords: petroleum potential, Libyan shelf’s interior, oil and gas fields, Tunisian-Sicilian oil and gas basin, Eastern Mediterranean oil and gas basin, Bay of Sirte, Gulf of Gabes, depression of Syrtis Major


Libya ranks 3rd in oil reserves and 4th in gas reserves on the African continent. Most of Libya's proven reserves of oil are concentrated in the oil and gas region of Sirte and the northern part of the Gulf of Gabes. The oil and gas region of Sirte accounts for 90% of the country's production. Prospects for oil and gas potential in Libya are related to the research in the Mediterranean Sea. Libyan offshore territory belongs to the Tunisian-Sicilian (Gulf of Gabes) and Eastern Mediterranean (Gulf of Sirte) oil and gas basins. Promising areas for the discovery of oil and gas fields are the Bay of Sirte, Gulf of Gabes and the depression of Syrtis Major. Analysis of available information on the oil and gas potential and prospects of the Libyan shelf's interior is presented. The article describes the results of the analysis of new seismic data, reflecting the existence of a compressive force within the Libyan shelf. The latter can be explained by the collision of the African and Western European plates that began with the end of the Cretaceous period. The comprehensive research indicates favorable prospects for the discovery of hydrocarbon fields within the Libyan shelf.


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