
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 550.8
DOI: -


Kerimov Vagif Yu.1,
Mustaev Rustam N.1,
Osipov Alexander V.1,
Bondarev Alexander V.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas

Keywords: great depths, generation oil and gas, deep wells, kinetics, source rock, organic matter, hydrocarbons


Shown that at the great depths of the earth's crust, in the areas of high pressure and temperature, are kept all the conditions for generation of oil and gas. However, the generation of hydrocarbons in such environments is significantly different from the processes of oil and gas formation at small depths. Found that there is a complex system of mutual thermobaric factors and distribution of oil and gas potential at great depths: at the beginning of the generation and phase distribution of hydrocarbons in the section affected largely abnormally high pore pressure development and paleo temperatures that could differ materially from current depending on the age of deposits. Shown that different thicknesses cat-agenetic areas related to the kinetic rate of generation of oil and gas, which depends on the type of kerogen, the gradient of temperature, pressure, lithology and hydrogeological conditions of the enclosing rocks, sedimentation rate, and others.


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