UDC: 665.71
DOI: -
Bagdasarov Leonid N.
Agabekov Sergey S.1,
Stakhiv Vladimir I.
1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas
Keywords: biofuel, stability of motor oil, motor oil, bio-diesel fuel
Stability of motor oil to oxidation when in contact with biofuel in diesel engine is studied. With the introduction of 5 % impurities in the form of biofuel in heavy-duty fuel engines significant changes in the properties of oxidized oils are not observed. It is concluded that biodiesel fuel adversely affects thermal-oxidative stability of motoe oils for heavy duty engines; oil deteriorates such parameters as viscosity index; low-temperature degrades antiwear characteristics. To utilize this oil in diesel internal combustion engines, it is necessary to improve more active antioxidant additives, or increase their amount.
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