
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 51.72; 622.276.66
DOI: -


Kanevskaya Regina D.1,2,
Pimenov Andrei A.2

1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas
2 Ltd. “BashNIPIneft”

Keywords: geomechanical model, multistage hydraulic fracturing, hydraulic fracture reorientation, stress-strain state of reservoir, displacement discontinuity method


A 2D geomechanical problem of determining the stress-strain state of the formation with hydraulic fractures is described. An algorithm for solving this problem based on the displacement discontinuity method, allowing to consider in detail both the hydraulic fracture, and natural fractures in the formation is proposed. The stress-strain state is calculated for the reservoir in the vicinity of horizontal well borehole with multistage hydraulic fracturing. The conditions when the reorientation of cracks multistage hydraulic fracturing is possible are determined. Hydrodynamic simulations allowing to estimate the production of horizontal wells with multi-stage fracturing with different wellbore and fracture system configuration are performed.


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